A while ago,
I asked a visitor to my site .... "how can I
improve my site?"
He thought for a minute and then said that I should
add some testimonials from my clients.
My clients have become my friends ..... sooo .....
here are some notes from my friends.
to view some of Our Doors
installed on homes across the U.S. and
The finest possible end product is best achieved
in an atmosphere of cooperation, communication,
respect, and mutual trust.
Updated: Fall -
All of these comments are quotes
My wife and I were shocked when we saw it. That is
way more than we had hoped for...so beautiful....I
can't wait to see it in person. It is going to make
our house.
Dean G.
Seattle WA
Brian the doors absolutely magnificent. It will
certainly give us years of enjoyment thank you so
much. Thank you for the pics. Your bright ideas
are simply stunning. We will spend the rest of our
lives enjoying your art, craftsmanship, and
work.The contrast with the other woods is
George and Sheri
Portland, OR
Brian and Zoleta, It is the most beautiful door I
have ever seen! Zoleta captured every thought and
color I wanted. Thank you so much Zoleta. I can't
wait to get it. When can you ship it? Love being
able to watch you make this door for me. This has
been quite an adventure with its ups and downs and
I want to thank you for making it happen for me. I
can't wait to send you pictures of it installed. It
is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you....
Tom and Marilyn P.
Danbe, OR
Thanks for the reminder. The door still looks
great, as I follow your directions every Spring.
It survived the worst Winter in Northern
Wisconsin ever. From Dec through Mar the
average temperature was only 47 degrees! We also
had very high snow amounts, but the cold was bad,
often 20 to 25 below zero without windchill.
We are really enjoying Spring now. Good
to hear from you.
Mike M
in Eagle River, WI
Hi---I have to say---you make the most interesting
and beautiful doors I have ever seen. I am in awe
of your sense of style and use of woods---Just
saying, I have always thought that the doors make a
home unique and are a great focal point,
and you have certainly shown that-- thanks for
the eye candy!
CL, Montana
Greetings Brian,
I have attached two pics of the door, one from
inside and one from outside. I think we enjoy the
view from the inside more than the outside! In any
event it's a wonderful, wonderful addition to our
home is very welcoming for our guests. All the
Tim E.
Glendale, CA
I wrote these clients to remind them to re-oil
their doors
Thank you Brian, we love our door and want to keep
nice, so will do this within the next week.
We were recently in Mendocino for the film
festival and had a wonderful time. Hope all
is well with you,.
Nadine S.
Sacramento, CA
Brian: The door is far beyond what I was expecting,
it is a work of art.
Michael A.
Nor Cal
The door is amazing. I am sending a pictures
installed, but wait for a finished picture, which
will be next week. I am soon absolutely happy with
your creation! It looks amazing in the room with
the fireplace! Your work was amazing on other
doors, and you buoyed that up with the "Mystical
Portal" door!!!
........ Then He Wrote: Hey Brian!!! I think it
looks amazing! The crooked handle and lock just
emphasize the whole of the abstract door! Great
idea you had! I will take one tomorrow for you that
is back a bit! Yes I will also send you another
picture of the fireplace! I moved in today, and it
is feeling very much home. I have so many friends
that can't wait to come over and experience the
door. Have a wonderful start to your weekend and I
will be in touch!
Dana B - Mills, WY
Hello, at long last, the final finishes to the
door were completed today! It is stunningly
beautiful. This and the other pictures I will
forward you don't do it justice, but I will take
more and forward you the best ones. Thanks to both
of you for your commitment to your art and superior
quality, and for creating a door that we can be
proud of the rest of our lives. All the best to you
and yours.
Warm regards,
Nadine and Mike ~ Walnut Creek, CA
Our door is absolutely beautiful. We'll send you
pictures once the house is done. What kind of
varnish oil do you use? We want to take very good
care of this work of art! Thank you!
Markus, Pismo Beach, CA
Brian, I'm going to have to wait for the leaves
to fall before I can get enough light in there--the
light above doesn't do much good. Which is too bad,
because I think the house looks better with a green
landscape. I receive lots of compliments on the
door, and I make a point of bragging on your work.
My door is humble compared to the large pieces
you've done. Your work is amazing.
Jeff M - MI
Thank you very much for being a real person of
there word!!! YOU TRULY ARE THE BEST!
Gary H. - Statton Island, NY
Dear Brian,
Thanks so much for a gorgeous door! It truly is
spectacular. We will share photos when it is
Thanks and best wishes.
Jan and Scott M.
West Lafayette. IN
Hello Brian,
Hope all is well with you and your family! I have
finally installed the door, and can't express how
happy I am with it! It is so beautiful. Everyone
who sees it is so impressed. Thanks for the great
craftsmanship! Enclosed is a pic of the finished
door. Hope you like it. Hope to hear from you soon,
and once again thank you for the work.
Mark A.
Pacifica, CA
The door is amazing. I am sending a pictures
installed, but wait for a finished picture, which
will be next week. I am soon absolutely happy with
your creation! It looks amazing in the room with
the fireplace! Your work was amazing on other
doors, and you buoyed that up with the "Mystical
Portal" door!!!
Dana B.
Mills Wyoming
Hope you're doing well. Just pulled up an old email
from you and realized I'd never sent any photos of
your door on our house in Berkeley. Found these two
(not very clear) from Christmas, but I know I have
some others, if I can find them. Needless to say,
the door gets endless compliments and we love
Dave R.
Dear Brian,
Sorry to be slow to send a door photo, but the
summer has passed in a blur. We moved into our home
on June 1 and are still settling in. I've attached
a photo of the front door. The photo does not do
the door justice, but once we've painted the trim
(it's only primed at this point) I'll take another.
We love the door and everyone who visits wants to
know where we got the door. It is truly a work of
Thank you again and warm regards.
Scott and Jan M., Nashville
Hope you're doing well. Just pulled up an old email
from you and realized I'd never sent any photos of
your door on our house in Berkeley. Found these two
(not very clear) from Christmas, but I know I have
some others, if I can find them. Needless to say,
the door gets endless compliments and we love
Dave R.
"Brian recently completed the Norwalk Door for
our home in Rowayton, CT a coastal village in
Norwalk, CT. He was a pleasure to work with from
beginning to end. Patient and creative, Brian was
able to custom design a massive front door and
matching custom screen door to adorn the front of
our 80 year old home. The Burled Redwood panels go
very well with the Curly Walnut and they are are so
inviting, it's hard not to touch the door when you
walk into the house. Delivery was on time, and
everything fit together like a swiss watch. Thanks
Brian !
Mark S.
Dear Brian,
The Door is hung and it looks Beautiful!!
It is a True Work of Art and we Thank You and SR
for all the creativity and care that went into the
conception and building of our door.
Everyone who sees it says "WOW ".
Thanks again,
Ron & Marilyn - Northern California
I wrote this client, reminding them it's time
to reoil their door.
"Thanks for the reminder. The door still looks
great, as I follow your directions every Spring. It
survived the worst Winter in Northern Wisconsin
ever. From Dec through Mar the average temperature
was only 4.7 degrees! We also had very high snow
amounts, but the cold was bad, often 20 to 25 below
zero without wind-chill. We are really enjoying
Spring now. Good to hear from you."
Mike M. in Eagle River, WI
We just took delivery of the door and it is
installed.... and it is incredible! The architect
and builders were amazed.... and studying it in
fine detail. Thanks for packing it so well.
I will send pictures when the rest of the house
catches up to the door. Some stone is being added
to the entry area.
Thanks again. I suspect you may be getting some
more Indiana business once word gets out.
Scott M.
West Lafayette, IN
Hey Brian, I just took delivery of the door,
and unpacked it. It looks great! I'm very pleased
by you selection of wood. And as I said, I'll snap
a pic or two when it's hung so you can see your
work in its new home. I made a great choice when I
went with you -- you have been a real pleasure to
do business with.
Have a very nice day.
Jeff M.
Battle Creek, MI
...... sounds good Brian. I'll try to get those to
you in the next day or so. I have to tell you again
how much I love the door! Each time I walk in and
out of our front entry, I think to myself (and
sometimes out loud) how absolutely gorgeous it is.
Thank you again!
Take care,
Julie C.
Santa Cruz
Hi there,I don't need a door. I just wanted to tell
you how beautiful your doors are. They each have so
much personality, and I just really enjoyed seeing
them all. If you're on Reddit, I would suggest
posting your pictures to the subreddit
/r/woodworking if you haven't already. I'm sure
they'd love them. If you're not familiar with
Reddit I'd be happy to give you a quick 101
rundown. It's kind of a passion for me. Thank you
for sharing your art.
Hello Brian
I love the curved lines of our door! It will look
even nicer after we paint. I never received an
email from you. I'll see if I can send you a larger
photo. I typically make them smaller when I email
them so that they don't take up too much storage
space. Would you prefer an interior or exterior
photo? I have to tell you again how much I love the
door! Each time I walk in and out of our front
entry, I think to myself (and sometimes out loud)
how absolutely gorgeous it is. Thank you again!
Santa Cruz
Thanks so much for a gorgeous door! It truly is
spectacular. We will share photos when it is
Thanks and best wishes.
Jan and Scott M.
West Lafayette, IN
Hello Brian,
I took two more pictures of the inside. Boy oh boy
that sure looks beautiful, it changes our entire
Hopefully these are better. Clearly my photography
skills leave something to be desired compared to
the beauty of our door.
We LOVE our door.
Best Regards, Scott R.
An added bonus to our beautiful door. The light
shinning in through the window casts a shadow on
the opposite wall... Wheat on the wind in shadow.
Thanks do much we truly love our door. The photo
does not capture the beautiful shadows.
Bob & Jennifer, Northern California
Hi Brian,
I'm Ellen P. My husband Dave and I are the people
for whom you are making the "Michabou Shores Entry
and Side Entry Doors." Our builder, Brad Hopwood
sent us the photos that you sent to him of the step
by step building of the entry doors. They are SO
BEAUTIFUL and are beyond our expectations!!!!! We
can't wait to see the Entry Door as well! and even
better to see them as a focal point on our new
cottage I saw your ad in a magazine and right then
and there I knew your doors were special! We
appreciate your fabulous workmanship and will
treasure the doors even more. Thank you so much!
Ellen and Dave P. of Michigan
Hi Brian!
It's hard to believe it has been over a year since
we first met with you to discuss our door project.
I am finally sending photos - now that the exterior
shutters are up, trim painting is done and
everything is in place. I hope you like it as much
as we do. The door is like a fine piece of
furniture and it makes a wonderful statement - both
from inside and out. It is warm, strong, beautiful
- and refined. Exactly what we wanted! Thank you
soooo much for being such an expert craftsman. We
really appreciate all the hard work and attention
to detail that you gave to this project.
With good wishes,
Marilyn and John L. of Napa, CA
Hi Brian,
Here are the first pictures of our wonderful new
door. Both are taken from inside the house. I'll
send exterior pictures as soon as the exterior trim
work is all done.
We LOVE the door!!! THANK YOU!!!
Jane & Bill M. New Hampshire
Thanks Brian , I may need another astragal, the
installers cracked it drilling the locks, they are
coming next week to take it off and glue it .
Other then that I love the pair of beautiful doors,
you are the best! Ps My wife loves them as much as
I do, Thanks again.
Joseph F. of New Jersey
Hi, I saw your doors on the Internet. My wife
and I just bought our first home, and while there's
no way we could afford door like yours, I wanted to
send you a message to tell you how incredibly
beautiful and inspiring your work is. I am
particularly moved by your Phoenix and Windermere
doors. I can only hope that in a few decades we
will have enough money to be able to add something
SO beautiful to our home.
Thank you for sharing your work. Elam
Dear Brian,
Enclosed please find Bank Check # 25*** for the
amount of $***.00, the balance due. It has been a
pleasure to work with you and a company that
exhibit a high level of professionalism and
courtesy towards their customers. Thank you.
Joseph F. New Jersey
The completed carving is beautiful. We are amazed
how well the execution came together based on the
sketch. We're biased of course, but this looks like
one of the more delicate and lovely jobs you've
P & P
Northern California
The door is far beyond what I was expecting, it is
a work of art.
Let me know when you are all done and I will call
you and set up if I can pick it up or delivery.
Mike A.
We just had our new door installed.
It is beautiful!!
Thanks so much for such a fine effort.
Thought you would like to see how it looks.
Thanks again,
I wrote my client, asking for an installed
picture of a completed door, and he wrote
Will do. The house should be finished next week and
I was waiting until then to take pictures. The door
is up and looks terrific. Total strangers stop and
tell me how great it looks. I am very happy how it
turned out. "
.... absolutely stunning ! the most gorgeous doors
I have ever seen ... well done
when I build/remodel my next house, yours doors
will be included
I just
received a very nice card from the owners of the
new Entradero Door. Click
Here to see the
Nick and Lori
Southern California
Thank you for your time yesterday. We loved meeting
you and your wife, seeing your shop and your
beautiful forest. We got home at about 7:30. The
door rode very well. The creation of art is a
creation of love. You will be in our hearts every
time we look at our door and visualize the majestic
tree from which it was created. Sincerely,
Jennifer and Arthur P. (Truly wonderful clients
Grants Pass, OR
received this comment the other day in my email and
I thought it was "cool" .........
Hello folks,
Your website shows true craftsmanship and a love of
the environment. You are truly eco-chic.
Sorry for the delayed response, I was traveling for
The door looks fantastic! Both my architect and
builder were very impressed. I am really happy how
nice it turned out. Better than I could have
The builder asked when you need to ship the door.
He was hoping it did not have to be shipped until
the garage on the new house is complete. He stated
that it would be the last thing that would be
installed in the house since he didn't want to
damage it in any way (my architect joked that we
should maybe wait until all the furniture is in
before he installed the door.
Once again, thank you for a terrific job. The
craftsmanship is impressive.
Good morning Brian
..................... I also shared your website
with my 75 year old father in Kansas. He is always
skeptical of all things related to the Internet,
but I was pleasantly surprised at what a positive
response I got from him regarding your doors. He
thought your doors looked like pieces of art and
liked how you had book matched the wood on the
Sonoma doors to have the beautiful grain on the mid
Thanks, Steve
Hello Brian
M.A. here- I just wanted to let you know that our
door was finally installed!! and a funny thing
happened along the way.....we moved.......we have
been looking for over a year and a half for a horse
property and resigned ourselves to never finding
it. Of course, it magically appeared, we bought it
and moved in a matter of 2 weeks.
In the next few weeks - I will be sending you the
measurements of the double door and matching window
insert (not sure what you call the window above the
door) - I don't ever think I'll be able to live in
a home that does not have your artistry waiting to
greet me.
Thank you so much,,,,,I hope you enjoy
Kind Regards,
Northern California
Hi Brian,
yesterday we finished painting the door jamb. It is
the same color as the house. So, with nothing
competing for attention, our door just pops.
It is so beautiful, in looks, in the way it feels,
in the quality of workmanship. Thank you for
helping us execute our vision.
The W's
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
July 13, 2012. I received a phone call this
afternoon from the owner of The
Serenity Grand
thanking us for the entry we created for them. Then
she made this comment ........... "our new door
(entry) has changed our home, it is so wonderful".
Thank you for taking the time to "make my day".
Hi Brian,
The door is in. I have been photo documenting the
stages, the last is to get the siding up around the
door and paint. I will send you a quick phone photo
hopefully today, and a full story in a month or
two. Everybody is amazed by the door.
Thanks Again
Matt, Northern California
Brian -
Well, the doors are incredible!! Truly, one of the
highlights of our home. Thanks again for all your
patience and craftsmanship.
I apologize that the photos are not more coffee
table ready. As you can see from the exterior shot
of the front door, we are still not quite done. I
will try again when we are, to get you some better
Milt B.
Juneau, Alaska
Thanks Brian ~ the door has held up to the
hardships of Redding's intense exposure remarkably
well (7 years and counting). Hope all is well with
Sara M.
Redding, Ca
Hello there,
You made a door for us about 6 years ago (the
Naglee, for our house in San Jose). We've since
sold that house and moved -- and the door was the
star of the open house. However, now we have a new
house and are in need of a new door. .......... We
miss our door and are looking forward to having a
new one on the horizon. Thanks so much -- hope to
hear from you soon!
Elizabeth S.
Hello Brian, ~ Enclosed is our deposit for the
beautiful "Bellentrata" entry door.
We've watched your site for two years now and so
admired your craftsmanship in both design and
construction. You are a true artist and we are
honored to have this art to amaze all who enter our
Best Regards, Jim & Barbrara
Hi...I happened to run into your web sight and
wanted to say that it was great to hear that there
is "someone" out there who is willing to continue
the "old school" tradition of craftsmanship in
performing woodwork in such "art" as what your
products show....I hope your talent will continue
with the grandkids....Keep up the great at
work.....If I would need a door made to my
"specs.", I will be contacting you
.....Ted K.....
Just a quick note "Don't need a door but these
are so beautiful! "
Hi Brian,
Well, the door is safe and sound in the house now.
You packed it in the truck perfectly and not ding
or a scratch anywhere! I just want to thank
you again, for making this process so incredible.
Your urging me to think more and more about what I
really wanted ensured the perfect door. It's better
than I could have imagined. Also, I'm greatly
appreciative of your hospitality and conversation
when I drove up. You definitely have a friend in
Sacramento. I cannot wait for the door to
hang in it's new home, and although it may be a
while, I will absolutely send you pictures. Again,
I can't thank you and Sunray enough! You guys
really made me something special.....my friends and
neighbors can't stop talking about it!!! Take care
my friend and hopefully our paths shall cross again
Gary "Pacific Crest" S.
My wife and I have not come up with changes to
the Sonoma doors. I have spent some time
looking online and also walking through a furniture
store yesterday. ....... and we likes things with a
touch of Asian influence to them. That is where we
see the Sonoma doors having a touch of Asian look
to them with the simplicity and glass. I also
shared your website with my 75 year old father in
Kansas. He is always skeptical of all things
related to the Internet, but I was pleasantly
surprised at what a positive response I got from
him regarding your doors. He thought your doors
looked like pieces of art and liked how you had
book matched the wood on the Sonoma doors to have
the beautiful grain on the mid rails.
Hi Brian,
We are very much in love with the custom door you
built for us. So much so, that we want to
commission some matching doors for an interior
project. I'm enclosing two pictures of the current
doorway and jamb, and a rough sketch of what I have
in mind. Let me know what you think.
Sam S.
Palo Alto, CA
The door is really beautiful. Something to be
treasured as long as I live. Thank you for the fine
work, your advice and counsel throughout this
process. You are a pleasure to work with!
Warm regards,
H. H.
Here are the installed pictures. It looks so
wonderful and it is such an improvement.
We love the door - it's a perfect fit for the
house, and we love the crocodile glass"
S. S.
Northern CA
Our beautiful door is installed and we are loving
it so much. Everyone who sees it makes the same
comment: " Wow, what a beautiful front door."
We keep saying it to ourselves over and over again.
Thank you so much.
L and R, CA
Hi, Brian......
The door has been delivered! It is absolutely
We met with Lisa (the glass artist) yesterday and
she is working on the glass this week, she was
really impressed with the door, too. .............
We will be sure to take a photo once the door is
installed and send it to you. It is going to be
glorious! Your artistry is incredible!
And I've posted pics of it on my Facebook page,
with credit given to you. My friends are all
Take care,M.T. Seabeck WA
Brian, I got the doors, they are beautiful
..... will be putting about 5 coats of spar varnish
(on top of the varnish oil) to really bring them
out .... I'm betting they will almost look like Koa
when we are done. Thanks a bunch, great
Aloha, Woody. Kailua, HI
Brian - thanks for the great photos. I took the
liberty and sent them to both Jim & John, for
they'll enjoy them too.
Your work is beyond exceptional, and I hope we get
to work together again in the future.
Best regards.
Steve T. A.I.A., Berkley CA
OMG!!! what craftsmanship!!!!!!!!! We cannot
believe the beautiful pieces that you are making
for our home. Let me know when more photos are
available..will stay in touch
Barry S.
Cincinnati Ohio
Sorry that it has taken us so long to send these
photos to you. As you can see, your door is quite
an appealing addition to our house. In fact, we've
yet to have a visitor who hasn't commented on the
door's beauty and craftsmanship (and all our
neighbors love it). We feel we're helping promote
the idea that front doors can be both functional
and aesthetically pleasing, and we're privileged to
showcase the result of your talents.
Again, it was a pleasure to work with you on this.
Please know that we treasure what you've provided
us -- the beauty of your door will characterize our
house for years to come.
A G, Michigan
Thanks for the reminder, I'll be re-oiling in the
next few weeks. Our Door is magnificent, and
garners many compliments.
I'll send a photo soon.
Warm regards,Jim
after a note
to my clients to remind them (in the Spring) .....
it's time to re-oil their door ......... they wrote
Thank you- the doors continue to look great. LH
Palo Alto
I really love the annual reminders! It is wonderful
to hear from you. We are doing well and our
beautiful front door is doing very well.
The family joke is that if there is ever a natural
disaster we will grab hold of the door and it will
protect us all as it is the strongest thing in the
Thank you, Brenda
Hi Brian,
Thank you for the reminder (to oil his door). I
oiled my door this weekend.
While I enjoy the door every day, spending the time
close-up oiling it reminds me what incredible
craftsmanship and heart went into it.
Thanks Again !
R E ~ Palo Alto
Hi Brian, ..... Thanks for sending again-I'm sorry
for not responding sooner-The door and handle are
great. I have been waiting to get a little green on
the porch-I will take a picture this week and send
it to you-there was an issue last time with the
file I sent being to small-I will do better this
time -worst case scenario I will burn a cd for you
and mail it. The door stood up to our COLD WET
winter this year perfectly- it expanded and
contracted-breathed and sighed and looks
wonderful-it is protected from direct elements.
Thanks-Sincerely, Ms Siegel
Hello Brian, .... Good to hear from you!
Thanks for the oiling reminder.
I have totally neglected you by forgetting to send
photos. Give me a few days to get my act together,
and we will show you evidence of how nice these
doors look in their intended doorways.
As for oiling, I have observed what a huge
difference sunlight makes. The exterior door that
faces south started to look a little beat up last
year already, so I used your oil formula on it in
the middle of last year. I think that door
(just the exterior side) might need a twice-a-year
oiling schedule, because it really gets a lot of
sunlight. The north-facing door will do fine with
once-a-year oiling.
Take care, JW , Chicago, Illinois
Mike and Gayle
......Eastern Canada
Hi there Brian,
Here, at last, is a photo of our front door with a
landscaping facelift. People still stop and stare,
and we still love the solid, quiet thunk it makes
when it swings shut.
The mirrored glass is perfect during the day. At
night I pull Japanese paper shoji screens across
the doorway between the entry way and the living
room and it is perfect.
We are happy to be in the house, and so glad we
found you to make the door!
Hope you have a wonderful spring.
-E. R. Palo Alto, CA
This kind of work was supposed to be dead and
I am awestruck and a little intimidated to even
touch these doors.
Amazing work, folks. I hope I can honor your art
with a worthy installation.
All the best,
Neil " ... the General Contractor for the The
Palisades Doors
Let me tell you, we love this door and appreciate
it all the time.
Thank you very much for your artwork.
Robert and Linda
~ The Taos
was hung yesterday. We have it all protected.
Drywall starts tomorrow. Just so you know
looks incredible in our entry. Fits it like a
glove. It's absolutely stunning. The carpenter,
roofer, electrician, insulation guys
they were
all blown away. It is the best when something is
just perfect!
Thanks again,"
Shoshanna of Seattle
"And we love it! Thanks so much Brian. It is truly
We are so happy with it, and can't wait to see it
on the front of the finished house.
Actually, I can't wait to turn the key and shut the
door behind me, finally back IN the finished
Thanks to Zoe for driving it down for us. I'll send
you a picture when it's finally in."
Then she
wrote: "We
are back in our new house and loving the front
door. It gets a LOT of complements. In fact, I was
in bed the other night at 10:15pm, when I heard
someone exclaim out on the street, "What's this
house, look at that door!"and than saw a flash as
they snapped a picture! Turned the porch light out
after that!! As soon as we get some landscaping in
the front yard I will send you a good "after"
--Ellen & Nick ~ Northern California
Good Morning Brian,
It is always a pleasure to receive you email
reminding me to do a little maintenance. Our entry
door looks as good as the day I picked it up thanks
to your reminders. I visited your website gallery
and was pleased to see many new designs. I'm sure
each client is as happy as we are with their entry
door. Have a wonderful day and thank you.
Brenda ~ Proud owner of "The Patterson"
"You were absolutely right and the door
looks beautiful all put together. The partial
framing of the carving on the sidelight has lines
that blend seamlessly with the lines of the stiles.
I anticipated a disjointed look on the lines of the
stiles, and a difference in color from the door to
the carving that would "highlight" what I perceived
as the missing framimg. The color blends so well
from the carving to the door frame that it doesn't
make it look like it's "missing" anything like I
I am very happy with the door. You have
done just a gorgeous job, and I know Chris will
love it, too. Your door is just beautiful and the
ribbon mahogany looks just stunning. It looks much
better than I anticipated.
Thanks so much for sending me the
picture! I woke up at 5:00 am this morning
stressing that the door wouldn't look right, so I
can sleep much better tonight!
I feel bad that you dropped everything
to get me the picture, and I'm sorry if my stress
in turned stressed you out. We've had so many
things go wrong with the house, and my stress level
is pretty high right now. It's no excuse, but I'm
sorry and my concerns were totally unfounded. It is
way better than I expected, and thanks so
L. W.
And we love it! Thanks so much Brian. It is truly
gorgeous. We are so happy with it, and can't wait
to see it on the front of the finished house.
Actually, I can't wait to turn the key and shut the
door behind me, finally back IN the finished
so much. I'll send you a picture when it's finally
Ellen & Nick
The South Bay, CA
The door is now hung with all the hardware and
looks great, inside and out. D-------- and I ended
up hanging the door ourselves.
There is nothing so attractive and decorative as
simple craftsmanship.
Thanks again...
D & R
The North Coast of
I was traveling all week last week, so I did not
get a chance to look at the doors right away, but
they did arrive on Monday as planned.
The doors look fantastic! To see the pattern of the
wood in person is mesmerizing and otherworldly,
really unique. And also we are very impressed with
the quality of your work -- the joinery is
topnotch, and everything fits together wonderfully,
so that one can hardly feel where one piece meets
another when running a hand over it. Very, very
Our contractor has one of them installed, and will
be hanging the other one today. We will send you
some photos as soon as we get a chance.
Thanks very much, and have a good week,
Chicago, CA
Sue wrote ..... " Hi Brian, Just wanted to let you
know the door came yesterday and looks to be in
good shape. Opened up the 'fortress crate' and
everything looks in tack. I didn't tear open the
plastic sheeting yet, I'll wait until the
installation crew comes so I have enough
....... then she wrote : "Here are pics of the door
installed Brian...... Thanks again, it really is a
stunning creation! "
Marin, CA
Just a note to say that the door is magnificent! I
expected quality, but was not prepared for the
skill level craftsmanship which you executed on our
It is a true work of art.
I'll have some pictures to send in the next few
weeks. Trust that you are well.
Dr. Jim B.
Dear Brian
Attached please enjoy the photos of the expertly
skilled craftsmanship that you provided for the
S***** residence in Windermere Florida.
The only thing remaining is to oil all the inside
and outside trim work that was installed around the
door. I will buy all the oils and follow your
advice about how to apply all the coats.
The neighbors are in love with your door too!
Well Done Brian!
I only briefly glimpsed our door before it was
secured in a safe place until hanging. It it even
more exquisite in person!! I hope our house is
worthy of your fine craftsmanship!!
Warmest Regards,
Jennifer ~ Nor Cal
Well my door project is finally done. It has been a
very interesting job.
1. the time it took to make it
2. then getting it delivered to Modoc County
3. then getting it from Alturas to my house
4. then getting it installed
Had to put up with people who had to hunt Antelope
in Wyoming ...... a snow storm here ..... But,
after all that it is most definitely worth it. My
wife and I are very please with the whole project.
The door fit the opening exactly, it looks Great,
Thank you so much."
MG ~ Northern California
"It is exquisite! I'm so excited. I realized
recently, when I grew up in impoverished South
Philly, all the Spanish American war era brick row
houses, all looked the same, stuffed 56 houses on
an alley. All the old Italians put all their
aesthetics into the individualized uniqueness of
their doors! No two were the same. The only aspect
of their whole houses that were different from
their neighbors. Even though I am 40 years away
from there, my imprinted instincts have come
through to seek out a majestic one of a kind door
that will have every who enters ooohh and aaahh at
the unique beauty!
What a gift you give to the entire world! Your
choice of woods are fantastic, and you treat them
with the respect, care, and the dialogue they
deserve! A wonderful blend of man and nature! "
Warmly, Ron ~ Nor Cal
wanted to let you know we both LOVE the door. It's
gorgeous--the wood is more beautiful than we
envisioned. We have both been walking around with
smiles on our faces for the last couple of days.
Thank you for your fine work.
We are both very happy to have the door in our
possession but kind of sad the process is drawing
to a close. I will send photo of it installed
when that happens.
Best wishes to you,
K. and J. Nor Cal
I was
amazed by your website, by the variety and beauty
of your doors. But after I visited your shop, I
realized that the website doesn't do your doors
justice. It's hard to believe that the doors are
truly twice as gorgeous as your website portrays.
.... thank you for the time.
S.F. Nor Cal
Thank You SF, for your kind
Brian, that is fine!
install went well actually, just a little slow as
we figured out issues more with the old wall and
floor. It is in and in the process of trim work. I
need to get home before I upload the install and
finish work photo series, but here is one exterior.
Everyone who has seen the door has flipped over the
look and wood work. We love it and how the extra
sidelight has opened up the dark hallway as Cindy
S. G.
Nor Cal
Attached please find
pictures of completed door. Thank you so much. It
is the most gorgeous door I or anyone else that has
seen it has ever seen! I stand in awe of the fine
craftsmanship that is required to create such a
beauty. The contractor who installed it said it is
the finest door he has ever hung in 25 years of
working construction (and he flew in from Michigan
to do my project)! His crew agreed. Thank you so
much for proving that a door doesn't have to be
"just a door"; it can be a work of art.
It's awesome!
We couldn't have hoped for a door this nice.
Our deepest admiration for you and Joanne's
craftsmanship --Thanks
then he
"Brian, we received the door on Friday. Looks
spectacular! Words don't describe it's beauty! It
was a pleasure working with you..... Thanks so
much! "
Laguna Hills, CA
"Dear Brian,
We saw The Liberty for the first time on Saturday.
Well it took my breath away. Really beautiful
craftsmanship! The men who are going to insdall it
were so impressed with the burl and the detail-the
way the inserts match and compliment each other, We
are very happy with the copper and delighted with
the door. Bravo. I can well imagine you missing it.
We will send you .........
Thank you again for creating the door I hadn't
imagined and will love looking at it from both
sides for the rest of my life. Our friends expect
us to throw a party around it but I can assure you
no one gets to smash a champagne bottle over
it---it's already been christened. THE LIBERTY"
Northern Cal
Oh my!! I love the raised molding! I love the whole
thing! The door is a metaphor for my whole house
experience. When I look at each part as it comes
together, I think, yeah that looks good, but when
the whole thing comes together, it is completely
amazing and better than I could have hoped. I am
envious of your occupation, which allows both
Progress and Perfection.
Via con dios.
S. M.
Then her
husband wrote
Wow. That is one amazing piece of work. I can not
wait to see it in person. Thank you so much Brian.
You have created a truly unique piece of our new
home that I know could never have been created
anywhere else. Sorry I won't get a chance to meet
you in person. Maybe you will find yourself in our
neck of the woods sometime and can come see your
masterpiece - The Redding - installed. You are
always welcome. And never fear, we will shower you
with lots of pictures until then -- probably more
than you want.
Take good care,
P. M.
Northern Cal
Brian.we received the door on Friday. Looks
spectacular! Words don't describe it's beauty! It
was a pleasure working with you, and if i have any
further questions i will contact you.
Thanks so much!
Well, the masterpiece is IN! We worked all day
yesterday to get it in and it looks beautiful... we
took nearly 100 pictures! We will send you
the best of the installation/installed pics. We
have a little more trim work today.
We are so pleased with the door. The carpenter just
could not say enough about the quality of the
construction and the beauty of the door. He kept
muttering ... "what a craftsman, what a
More with pics
then they
You may call
it the door, we refer to it as a work of art! It
looks so awesome! I'll send you a CD with the all
the pictures! We have before, during and after
pictures ... including the trim. You'll get 'em
all! I'll mail that CD out this week!
The comments on the door were incredible. Everyone
is admiring it ... we even had a truck come to a
screeching halt in front of our house to look at
I cannot tell you how pleased we are with the whole
experience ... you are a GEM!
E and L of Cape Cod, MA
Hi Brian,
We're sorry to not have been in touch with you. The
last push to finish this house has taken all our
time. ............. We finally moved in to the
house two weeks ago and the first thing done was to
uncover and clean the doors and jams which had been
protected by cardboard and plywood .............
The doors look spectacular and everyone who comes
here remarks on their beauty. For us it's really
exciting now because we haven't really been able to
see the doors and the stained glass which were
covered until now .......... So we'll take some
photos tomorrow and send them to you later in the
Then they
wrote in a note
June 10
Hi Brian,
Here are some photos of the doors. We finally moved
in but not everything is finished. The doors are
beautiful! We will send more photos once they are
trimmed and finished on the inside. Thank you so
much for making these fantastic doors. We spent a
whole year protecting them and it was worth it. We
will send digital versions via email
Hope you are doing well and enjoying the start of
Best regards
J. & A. H.
Hillbrook NY
"Dear Brian,
The photos of the processing and the quality of the
work are both wonderful. I have been like the lead
goose in a migration trying to run this job:) and
tonight, this 12 am, is the first opportunity I've
had to look at the pages you mentioned. Bravo and
thanks very much. I have forwarded this page to
several friends in construction and others. I truly
appreciate your time and dedication and look
forward, health permitting, to meeting you some
time, somewhere. As I've said from our first tele
meeting, you are always welcome out here should you
find yourself in the Northeast. All my best and
will give you a buzz first chance I get,
as always,"
Phil P. of upstate, NY
Everyone loves the new door, especially me! I have
your tie-downs boxed up and will send them as soon
as I can.
Thank you,
Brenda M. of Patterson , CA
Dear Brian
........... "Seems like only yesterday we were
planning the design of this beautiful door!
You know Brian, I am going to miss our frequent
emails when this project is done. I will always
check your web site to see what is new and
interesting ... I hope we can keep in touch from
time to time. When I get to CA, I will be sure to
come visit your shop. I have a little wood shop in
my garage ... nothing fancy ... just able to make a
few bird houses and things like that. I admire
anyone with the talent and dedication to do what
you do ... everyone should do what they
E.L. of
I will try to take some pictures at different times
and different lighting. We love our door. It has
been a conversation piece. Many of our visitors
have commented that's what they noticed first.
Friends are building a new home at Smith Mountain
Lake, VA and have asked for your website.
It was so great to work with you, I will send the
photos soon.
D. S. MD
Danville, VA
June 2005
Dear Brian
Here are the pictures I promised to send. I was
waiting to buy a new rug ......... Beautiful,
Beautiful, Beautiful. Jack and I looked at some new
homes ......... it was selling for 3 million +, not
to buy - just to look. The front door didn't come
close to mine. You are gifted.
Thank you always,
C. W. of Walnut Creek, CA
Hello Brian.
I had a privilege to install one of your 'art work'
entry doors about a month or two ago. Customer name
is C. H. - Walnut Creek CA.
The quality and craftsmanship were amazing. I am
proud to be the contractor to get that 'beauty' on
the wall and have the pictures part of my
installation catalog.
If you need to refer any installation work to a
customer here in the Bay Area I will be happy to
provide the service.
Hope I will have a chance to stop by one day and
visit your shop.
Best regards,
Sergio Duarte - VIEW & ACCESS windows and
CSLB # 711408
Hi Brian,
Yes, we are getting your emails and are loving the
their door being built
I'm sorry I
didn't respond,we have been busy with the illness
and .............. The progress on the door is
wonderful, please keep the pictures coming!
Thank you,
B. M. of Central CA
Hi Brian
Wow. It was November that we last communicated. I'm
sure you had decided I had blown off your request
for a picture of the fully installed door, as I had
promised. I am now happy to report that the door is
finally complete and I have attached a photo of the
fully-installed final product.
I am super pleased with the door, as I already told
you, and am greatly relieved to finally have the
glass installed. I have gotten lots of
compliments on the door, in spite of the weird
setting. As I told you, it is installed halfway
down the narrow 15-foot hallway entrance to my
house, so that I can have a separate side-door
entrance to my office space in the first half of
the hall. Not the best setting for your beautiful
door, but it totally brings to life what would
otherwise be a dark imposing barrier in my
................. The transom was harder to design
and I am still trying to get used to it. In any
case, I hope you like the new glass almost as much
as the original.
Thanks again for your work and professionalism. If
it hadn't been for that small glitch on the hinge
placement, it would have been a perfect transaction
in acquiring and integrating a true work of art
into a preexisting setting. It was probably a good
reminder just how ambitious an activity this was,
especially since we were able to recover
completely. There are very few craftsman like
yourself left in this country who take on the
responsibility of building real things with no room
for error.
Again, my compliments.
Best regards,
J. S.
Boulder, CO
Mr. Lee,
Just a quick note about the door you sent to us. It
has been taken out of its box and hung in place and
immediately covered with large sheets of plywood to
protect it during the remainder of the
construction. There was just enough time for it to
be admired by all and to utterly astonish me. It is
exquisite! Luckily the rest of the house is being
refurbished to a high standard, otherwise the door
would put everything else to shame and oblige us to
start over. We'll send pix when all is done.
then he
wrote a few months
.... We have
just (finally after nearly one year) completed our
project; literally today the final payment cheque
was handed to the builders .. We love the way the
door looks and everyone who sees it is very
Hello Brian,
The door is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! It is
even more striking than imagined.
I just saw the new pics of our door. It is more
beautiful than I ever imagined. You are a true
Thanks for all the hard work you put into it. I
can't wait to see it hung.
B. F., Chicago
I also looked at some of your door work, and
continue to be impressed with the quality of your
work. One of the ongoing issues I have working out
in the regular world is the lack of craftsmanship
anywhere. The mainstream economy is all about time
equals money. It's all in the details and the sense
of pride of workmanship that is present in one
shop, and not in the other.
I really enjoyed the evening with the two of you. I
feel honored to know you both.
C. H. of LaJolla, CA (August '05)
Dear Brian,
Of course you may have pictures of the door. I have
taken many - some in the early spring and some just
a few weeks ago. I have a few that show "a sparkle"
but I can't get the rainbows. I'm still trying. I
will send you what I have for now and when others
show off the glass better I will send those. We are
enjoying every minute of it.
Thank you once again.
C. J.
Absolutely beautiful. We are thrilled with your
extremely beautiful doors. They are remarkable. I'm
humbled by the craftsmanship. Thanx again. Please
stop by when you happen to be driving South on
S.& C., Sea Ranch, CA
Hi Brian,
I should be completely finished this week with
installing the glass in the side panels. I will
take some pics and send them to you.
I have question about the oil
...................... or should I mix in some
varnish like you did on the door?
The door really looks beautiful on the house. We've
received compliments from several neighbors that we
don't even know. At a new year's party, I met some
neighbors for the first time and they said, "oh,
your the one with the new door."
Take care,
M. J., So. Cal
Then I received this email 11/06
Brian -
Thanks for the update (estimate). I wasn't
anticipating a crating charge - that leaves the
project a bit over budget.
Do you have any flexibility in your prices, or are
they firm?
Doe .........
HERE to read
my response ..... please !!
above compromise"
to Home
Here to see what I'm working on right now
My doors have been featured in
Old House,
Home Design
House Interiors,
and Fine
Here to see How
I Work
These doors
are solid wood (not
and constructed with materials that will
To see how I select my
and if I can't do work that meets my own
to mention my discriminating
..... I just won't do it
Brian Lee Designs
Mitchell Creek Dr.
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
me @ bl@mendocinodoors.com
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