These are The Aloha Doors
They are two interior doors
They are a full 1-5/8" thick
(rather than 1-3/8")
They are made of quartersawn California Golden Oak
One is a master bedroom door
and one is Neriahs Bedroom door.
The panels are bookmatched figured Cherry
The stained glass will be designed and provided by the client.

CLICK HERE to view the making of Neriahs Bedroom Door

CLICK HERE to view the making of Neriahs Bedroom Door (the other door)

This is the "history" of the construction of The Aloha Door




Here is an earlier door that inspired the master bedroom door

Here is closer look at an earlier door that inspired the master bedroom door

Here is a drawing of the master bedroom door



CLICH HERE to view
the Bathroom Doo

Here the styles (and one extra) are joined straight and allowed to "settle down"

Here are some "end cuts" from the wood in these doors. Notice how closeness of the growth rings

The wide bottom heels are glued together from the same quartersawn board and will be thickness sanded due to the high "figure"




The bedroom stained glass oval is first drawn to full size

Then a full size template is laminated to a piece of material to serve as a hard copy of the oval

After being allowed to dry, the oval is cut out

The that template is laid on a 3/4" piece of hardwood plywood, which will end up as the final template for the Oak oval




The hardcopy is transferred to the piece and the cut out

The center is still oversize

The the original "hard copy" is used as a pattern makers template with my flushing router

A few days later we have the oval template that will be used for the Oak oval




A few stroke with my shaping file makes it a smooth and a true oval
( I hope)

The figured Cherry planks are surface sanded

The planks are then resawn into "thick" veneers

Each veneer is 5/16th thick. Here they are allowed to settle down and stabilize




The veneers are the sanded and surfaced to equal thickness

The the "thick" veneers are vacuum pressed on the a very stable substrate and each panel will be bookmatched on each surface and front and back

Here are the pieces for the oval

the layout




Here are the pieces of the bedroom door before I shape them

Here is the oval glued up and being sanded

Here I start to cut out the pieces

Them use a template to rout them into the designed shape




On piece ready to go !!

Here are all the horizontal pieces shaped

..... in place

a side view




check the oval and vertical rails for fit

Here is the oval blank

Here is a template for the arc cutouts

The arc is routed out.....




........ then routed again for flush

.... and another fit

the the panel grooves must be made while the fitted door is dry clamped together

here is a template for the mid panels




here is a finished template for one of the "arcs"

Here is the door with the panel dado's, cut into the styles and rails

........ then it's off to work on the oval for the stained glass

... from that big plank of wood to this delicate inner oval




this will hold a stained glass window design by my client

..... a close up

here we use the machine for finish sanding

here the templates are traced onto the figured cherry panels




then the Cherry is cut out

here are all the panels for the Master Bedroom door

Here is the door with panels. It is "dry fitted" and then disassembled

....... a close-up of the oval




........ cool parts !!

the panels are finish sanded by us ..... without the "machine !!

then sealed with sanding sealer

all of the panels with three coats of pre-catalyzed lacquer

Because the detail is routed, we dry clamp and chisel each corner to a square corner

...... then all the edges are hand sanded before assembly. This prevents scratching the sealed panels

The oval is also hand sanded

then .... the glue up begins. All parts are pre-glued with exterior glue ..... and allowed to penetrate the fibers

.... and the build begins ..... the door is assembled from the inside out .... and the bottom up

......... and up

then the sides are applied

and the door is clamped from side to side and top to bottom

then all of the excess glue must be removed while the exterior glue is still soluble to water

this beautiful door will stay in clamps for at least 72 hrs

a close-up of the bottom detail.
...... not bad !!

Here is the door out of clamps ...... ready to be trimmed to size, hand sanded, and finish sanded ...... then oiled.

The finishing begins

........ and interesting view

the lacquered panels are taped off to prevent scratching

After the pre finished panels are masked off ....... the hand sanding is completed

the hinge pockets are mortised and chiseled

then I sign it !!

here is the boring for the hardware

here is the beautiful Emtek solid brass knob and deadbolt

then we chisel out the square pins and set them in place

they are each hand chamfered ....

........ and the mid rail pins are set as diamonds

Both doors have been oiled with 3 coats of my varnish oil and are curing

any "bleed-out" is wiped down

...... and the protective covering over the pre-catalyzed lacquer panels is removed

Then the jambs are mortised for solid brass commercial hinges

and the master bedroom door is prehung on my bench with 4 hinges

....... then I make a form for steam bending the oval stops

The pieces are steam bent and left to dry for 24 hrs in this form

Here is the upper half of the oval stop

here is my steam box which was given to me by Master Joiner I apprenticed to 30 years ago

I had to modify the burner several times to generate enough steam to penetrate the wood ........ you see here a true "learning curve" !!

The stop pieces are glued together

...... being oversized, I carefully trim it to size (width)

the stop is screwed into places .....

..... and then hand chamfered and sanded.

when it is completed it is oiled with varnish oil

Here are the jamb pieces and stops for both doors. They are curing after 3 coats of varnish oil .... this is an interior door

Here I provide a little jig that allows the installer to center the hole for the striker plates

The doors were hung from screw eyes for their making ..... I glue in Oak plugs and oil

Here are the stops in the oval.
The steel screws will be replaced with brass screws when the stained glass is installed.

CLICK HERE to view the making of Neriahs Bedroom Door (the other door)

Click Here to see how the shipping case for these doors is constructed and packed

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